Customer Support

Engineering Study Process

Detailed engineering review of a proposed interconnection requires use of specialized software and coordination between many of our workgroups and information databases.  Multiple interconnections on a single distribution feeder are analyzed in a order based on queue position. The engineering study will determine whether any physical upgrades and changes to our distribution system are required for the proposed generation to safely interconnect while ensuring safe, reliable, quality power for all customers on the circuit. Additional information on engineering studies is contained in our Section 10 Tariff beginning on Sheet 95.

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Energy Saving Tip

Rather than crank up your heat in the winter, keep your thermostat at a moderate level and bundle up. (Who doesn't love fuzzy slippers?)

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Break Ground, Not the Law

Always call 811 before digging in your yard to avoid hitting buried gas or electric lines. Not only is it the safe thing to do, but it's the law.