Customer Support

Rate Riders

Resource Adjustment

The Resource Adjustment reflects energy initiative expenses and is shown as a line item on your bill. This includes the following six electric and four gas riders, which the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission reviews annually.

Minnesota Rate Rider Descriptions (PDF)

Electric Riders

Electric Riders

Electric Riders

Effective Date


Transmission Cost Recovery Jan. 1, 2024  
   Residential   $0.005474
   Commercial (non-demand)   $0.003634
   Demand Billed   $0.240/kW
   Critical Peak Price   $0.000625
Conservation Improvement Program Adj. Oct. 1, 2023 $0.002225
Renewable Development Fund Rider

Jan. 1, 2024

State Energy Policy March. 1, 2024 $0.000258
Renewable Energy Standard Cost Recovery Jan. 1, 2024 0.981%
Mercury Cost Recovery Jan. 1, 2011 -

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission approves monthly fuel rates for calendar year, shown in the Commission-Approved Rates column below. For some months, there may be a true-up factor applied to adjust for prior period over- or under-collection.  For those months, the Fuel Cost Charge column has been adjusted to account for the amount listed in the True-Up Factor column.  The amounts shown in the Fuel Cost Charge column will be shown on a separate line on your monthly bill.

(Tables last updated 04/01/2024)

Residential Customers

Commission-Approved Rate ($/kWh)
True-up Factor ($/kWh)
2023 Refund
Fuel Cost Charge ($/kWh)
January $0.03308  ($0.00220)   $0.03088
February $0.03624  ($0.00247)   $0.03377
March  $0.038922  ($0.00233)   $0.03659
April  $0.04222  ($0.00267) ($0.00392) $0.03563
May  $0.04485  ($0.00247) ($0.00362) $0.03876
June  $0.04185


($0.00316) $0.03653
July  $0.04244  ($0.00185)  ($0.00272) $0.03787
August  $0.04143  ($0.00194)  ($0.00284) $0.03665
September  $0.03947    ($0.00570) $0.03377
October  $0.03813    ($0.00605) $0.03208
November  $0.03455    ($0.00612) $0.02843
December  $0.03225    ($0.00559) $0.02666

C&I Non-Demand

Commission-Approved Rate ($/kWh)
True-up Factor ($/kWh)
2023 Refund
Fuel Cost Charge ($/kWh)
January $0.03305  ($0.00220)   $0.03085
February $0.03621  ($0.00247)   $0.03374
March  $0.03889  ($0.00233)   $0.03656
April  $0.04219 ($0.00267)


($0.00392) $0.03560
May  $0.04481  ($0.00247)  ($0.00361) $0.03873
June  $0.04181  ($0.00216)  ($0.00316) $0.03649
July  $0.04240  ($0.00185)  ($0.00272) $0.03783
August  $0.04139  ($0.00193)  ($0.00284) $0.03662
September  $0.03944    ($0.00569) $0.03375
October  $0.03809    ($0.00605) $0.03204
November  $0.03452    ($0.00611) $0.02841


   ($0.00558) $0.02664

C&I Demand Non-Time of Day

Commission-Approved Rate ($/kWh)
True-up Factor ($/kWh)
2023 Refund
Fuel Cost Charge ($/kWh)
January $0.03256  ($0.00217)   $0.03039
February $0.03567  ($0.00244)   $0.03323
March  $0.03830  ($0.00229)   $0.03601
April  $0.04155  ($0.00262) ($0.00386) $0.03507
May  $0.04414  ($0.00244)  ($0.00356) $0.03814
June  $0.04118  ($0.00212)  ($0.00311) $0.03595
July  $0.04177  ($0.00183)  ($0.00268) $0.03726
August  $0.04077  ($0.00190)  ($0.00280) $0.03607
September  $0.03885    ($0.00561) $0.03324
October  $0.03752    ($0.00596) $0.03156
November  $0.03400    ($0.00602) $0.02798
December  $0.03173    ($0.00550) $0.02623

C&I Time of Day customers during On-Peak hours

Commission-Approved Rate ($/kWh)
True-up Factor ($/kWh)
2023 Refund
Fuel Cost Charge ($/kWh)
January $0.04135  ($0.00275)   $0.03860
February $0.04531  ($0.00310)   $0.04221
March  $0.04867  ($0.00292)   $0.04575
April  $0.05279  ($0.00334) ($0.00491) $0.04454
May  $0.05608  ($0.00310)  ($0.00452) $0.04846
June  $0.05232  ($0.00270)  ($0.00395) $0.04567
July  $0.05309  ($0.00232)  ($0.00340) $0.04737
August  $0.05182  ($0.00242)  ($0.00356) $0.04584
September  $0.04937    ($0.00713) $0.04224
October  $0.04768    ($0.00757) $0.04011
November  $0.04320    ($0.00765) $0.03555
December  $0.04032    ($0.00698) $0.03334

C&I Time of Day customers during Off-Peak hours

Commission-Approved Rate ($/kWh)
True-up Factor ($/kWh)
2023 Refund
Fuel Cost Charge ($/kWh)
January $0.02599  ($0.00173)   $0.02426
February $0.02846  ($0.00194)   $0.02652
March  $0.03056  ($0.00183)   $0.02873
April  $0.03316  ($0.00210) ($0.00308) $0.02798
May  $0.03523  ($0.00195)  ($0.00284) $0.03044
June  $0.03286  ($0.00170)  ($0.00248) $0.02868
July  $0.03330  ($0.00145)  ($0.00214) $0.02971
August  $0.03252  ($0.00152)  ($0.00223) $0.02877
September  $0.03099    ($0.00447) $0.02652
October  $0.02993    ($0.00475) $0.02518
November  $0.02713    ($0.00480) $0.02233
December  $0.02532    ($0.00438) $0.02094

Outdoor Lighting

Commission-Approved Rate ($/kWh)
True-up Factor ($/kWh)
2023 Refund
Fuel Cost Charge ($/kWh)
January $0.02488  ($0.00165)   $0.02323
February $0.02725  ($0.00186)   $0.02539
March  $0.02926  ($0.00176)   $0.02750
April  $0.03174  ($0.00200) ($0.00295) $0.02679
May  $0.03372  ($0.00186)  ($0.00272) $0.02914
June  $0.03146  ($0.00163)  ($0.00237) $0.02746
July  $0.03188  ($0.00140)  ($0.00204) $0.02844
August  $0.03113  ($0.00146)  ($0.00214) $0.02753
September  $0.02966    ($0.00428) $0.02538
October  $0.02865    ($0.00455) $0.02410
November  $0.02597    ($0.00460) $0.02137
December  $0.02424    ($0.00420) $0.02004

C&I General Time of Use Pilot

January $0.04006  $0.03231 $0.01592
February $0.04381  $0.03533 $0.01738
March  $0.04749 $0.03829 $0.01882
April  $0.04624 $0.03728 $0.01834
May  $0.05029 $0.04055 $0.01996
June  $0.04740



July  $0.04917 $0.03962 $0.01943
August  $0.04759  $0.03835 $0.01883
September  $0.04384  $0.03535 $0.01736
October  $0.04163  $0.03356 $0.01649
November  $0.03690 $0.02975 $0.01463
December  $0.03460  $0.02790 $0.01373

Gas Riders

Gas Riders

Gas Utility Infrastructure Rider (GUIC) (PDF)

Gas Riders

Effective Date

Per Therm

Gas Utility Infrastructure Rider (GUIC) March 1, 2024  
   Residential   $0.040548
   Commercial Firm   $0.025059
   Commercial Demand Billed   $0.005090
   Interruptible   $0.009463
State Energy Policy Jan. 1, 2022 $0.000000
Conservation Improvement Program Adj. Oct. 1, 2023 $0.008994
Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Rider (RDM) Aug. 1, 2023  
    Residential   $0.000000
    Small Commercial   $0.000000
   Large Commercial   $0.000000
   Large Demand Billed   $0.000000
   Small Interruptible   $0.000000
   Medium Interruptible   $0.000000

Purchased Gas Adjustment

Base Cost of Gas

One component of the Cost of Gas is the Base Cost of Gas. The Base Cost of Gas is an estimate of the Total Cost of Gas that is calculated for and only changed as part of a general rate case.

Cost of Gas Sheet (PDF)


Current Values
for Base Cost of Gas
(by class)
July 1, 2024
Residential $0.433904
Commercial Firm $0.432632
Demand Billed – Demand $0.852050
Demand Billed – Commodity $0.351419
Small Interruptible $0.361167
Medium Interruptible $0.350956
Large Interruptible $0.346915

The other component of the Cost of Gas is the PGA. The PGA is a mechanism designed to recover the current cost of gas supply. The PGA factor is equal to the current wholesale delivered cost of the natural gas supply purchased by Xcel Energy less the Base Cost of Gas. The current cost of gas supply includes supply, transportation, peak shaving and other costs, which the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) determines from time to time. Because of the volatility in the cost of gas supply, a monthly adjustment is needed to raise or lower rates to reflect current market prices. At the close of each month the cost of gas supply for the next month is estimated. This estimated cost of gas supply is then divided by the forecasted retail sales for the month. This $/therm result is compared to the $/therm Base Cost of Gas, and the difference is the PGA factor.

Current Values
for PGA
(by class)

June 2024

July 2024

Residential ($0.204754) ($0.167404)
Commercial Firm $0.199072) ($0.161722)
Demand Billed – Demand ($0.043710) ($0.043710)
Demand Billed – Commodity ($0.170709) ($0.133359)
Small Interruptible ($0.193867) ($0.156517)
Medium Interruptible ($0.170566) ($0.133216)
Large Interruptible ($0.166525) ($0.129175)

The PGA also includes a true-up factor. Every September, Xcel Energy determines how much gas expense was incurred for the previous July - June compared to the amount Xcel Energy collected from customers. Any over- or under-recovery is divided by the customer class’s forecasted sales to develop the true-up factor. The MPUC approves the true-up factor annually. The true-up ensures that Xcel Energy collects the actual cost of gas supply, no more and no less.

Current Values
for True-Up
(by class)

September 2023 -
August 2024

Residential ($0.01944)
Commercial Firm ($0.02446)
Demand Billed – Demand $0.02507
Demand Billed – Commodity ($0.00298)
Small Interruptible $0.00054
Medium Interruptible $0.03594
Large Interruptible $0.03594

Trends in cost of gas and how they affect the PGA

Natural gas, like other commodities, is based on supply and demand.

  • When the demand for gas is high, the price also increases.
  • This causes the PGA to be higher in the winter months and lower in the summer months. However, as natural gas is used more for generation, this trend could change.
  • As was seen in late 2005, severe weather can have significant effects on natural gas supply.

Xcel Energy’s fuel cost forecast is based on “normal” weather. When weather deviates substantially from “normal” there is a direct impact on the PGA.

  • “Normal” weather is defined as actual ambient air temperature that deviates from the 30-year average for the month. 

Affordability Surcharge

The Affordability Surcharge recovers the costs of energy assistance provided through our low income program. The line item for electric customers is "Affordability Surcharge" and the line item for gas customers is "Gas Affordability."

Customer TypeEffective DateSurcharge
   Residential Feb. 8, 2024 $1.50/month
   C&I Non-demand Feb. 8, 2024 $1.50/month
   C&I Demand Feb. 8, 2024 $6.53/month
Gas Jun. 1, 2017 $0.00445/therm
Energy Saving Tip Icon

Energy Saving Tip

Rather than crank up your heat in the winter, keep your thermostat at a moderate level and bundle up. (Who doesn't love fuzzy slippers?)

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Break Ground, Not the Law

Always call 811 before digging in your yard to avoid hitting buried gas or electric lines. Not only is it the safe thing to do, but it's the law.